Very proud to announce our new collab with Just Restaurant in Rotterdam.

Here’s how it all started.

Justin and I met each other on the beautiful island of Curacao in 2005 where we had common friends. 

In 2014 our paths crossed again in Rotterdam. Back then I was working in the fashion industry and Justin was working as a chef.
The both of us were focussing on our own things, Justin opened his first restaurant; Just Restaurant and I started SAIJA-STORE.

In 2018 just before the Christmas holidays, we ran into each other again and thats where we came up with the idea to do a collaboration together. ‘Let’s make a fully leather knife-bag’ we said. And so we did.

One month later, the knife-bag was born. And as you can see, this is really an icon piece where we’ve put a lot of passion in it. The passion for cooking combined with passion for fashion.

I present you our fully leather knife bag made for all kinds of chefs who wants to keep their knives safe with style.

saija knife bag

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